After School Program
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Friedberg Moravian Church
2178 Friedberg Church Road
Bus routes from Kimmel Farm, Clemmons Elementary, Ward; Pick up from Friedberg and Northwest Elementary (Davidson County)
One Time registration fee...$50
Weekly non-church member...$70 per week/$15 per day
Weekly church member...$65
Sibling discount...$5 0pen until 6:00pm
Full Day Summer Program 7:30am-6:00pm * June 10-August 26 * Closed July 1-5
Full day Summer program (7:30am-6:00pm) - $135 per week. Registration Form
Activity Fee $125.00 covers field trip admissions, all activities and gas
Church members receive $10/week discount and siblings receive $10/week discount.
Half of the activity fee is due to reserve a spot, remaining activity fee due by May 1st
Public school bus transportation in Forsyth county; church bus picks up students in Davidson county.
Full day care is offered for some teacher workdays and extended holidays, based on need, for $25 per day. Open 7:30-6:00.
No additional cost for early dismissals.
Activities include playground and gym games, small groups/special interest, snack, devotion, homework session, special programs by the students for parents at Christmas and end-of-the-year.
For more information call 336-764-1840 or email April Bundy at